Tatuatorul de la Auschwitz - Heather Morris
Autor | Heather Morris |
Editura | Humanitas Fiction |
Stoc | In stoc |
Shipping | $3,99 |
Data preconizata livrare | 26 Martie 2025 |
Peste trei milioane de exemplare vandute Carte tradusa in peste 45 de tari Bestseller in SUA, Canada, Chile, Australia, Noua Zeelanda, Olanda, Belgia, Polonia etc. Romanul cel mai bine vandut in Marea Britanie, Irlanda, Portugalia, Ungaria si Africa de Sud in 2018 27 de saptamani in top 10 Sunday Times Paperback Fiction 27 de saptamani locul 1 in top 5New York TimesTrade Paperback Fiction Bestseller Amazon,Saturday Times,The Irish Times,The Northern Eco Apple Book of the Year 2018 Specsavers Book of the Year 2018 Wordery Book of the Year 2018 Easons Book of the Year 2018 In curs de adaptare TV.
Stare | nou |
Tip narativ | Fiction |
Editura | Humanitas Fiction |
Colectie | Raftul Denisei |
Anul aparitiei | 2022 |
Numar pagini | 312 |
Format | Paperback |
Dimensiune | 130x200 mm |
ISBN | 9786067799705 |
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